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The Brew Happy Show

You may meet your next favorite brew.  Listen to us wherever podcasts are found. 

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Dec 26, 2016

This week, after winning victorious at a regional pool tournament, we get to catch up with Herb Apon, Head Beer Wench at Loyal Legion Beer Hall. We learn about the backstory of a classy new beer bar with more drafts than you can shake a stick at. Ryan is still out sick, beer fan Bronwyn swings by to check us out again,...

Dec 19, 2016

This week, after conquering a seasonal bug, we finally get author Lucy Burningham to talk about her new book,My Beer Year. If you've ever considered getting involved in the Cicerone program, than this is the book for you. Hear about this and other things this amazing woman has written! Ryan and Amber are both out sick,...

Dec 12, 2016

This week, Clay Staley returns from General Distributors Inc. to tell us some breaking news about some new beers and new breweries. Listen in as we pump him for insider information. John Paul gets excited about a Yeti, Ryan tries out some Christmas music, and Damian about some exclusive information about a special beer...

Nov 28, 2016

This week, Katherine Reyes from TR3S Creative comes on the show to talk about how much fun it is to specialize in brewery branding, as well as food pairings with some tasty treats she brought! Amber has the night off to do some moving, Ryan reels at some new beers, Damian is still shell shocked about the Rogue Ales'...

Nov 21, 2016

This week, Trevor Thurston from the High Street Home Brew Club comes by to talk about the St. Johns Winter Beer Fest coming up in a few weeks. Ryan delivers bad news about the Green Dragon's demise, Damian avoids getting stumped by Levi on another blind tasting, Amber and John enjoy the Black Widow Porter sent...