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The Brew Happy Show

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Nov 26, 2019

Sometimes making a great beer is easier than coming up with a label that doesn't come under pressure of legal action. It's a hard life as a brewer trying to keep yourself alive, much less create the next beer style breakthru, but as they say, the show must go on. Known for some of the best beers on Portland's West side, Sasquatch Brewing has done it again. With a Bohemian Pilsner that is sure to make you want to sing a rhapsody, there are plenty of other beers and ciders in ther line-up that will make you want to break free. Ryan gets lost in Trap Door sauce, Bronwyn has a waffle crisp that was made in heaven, John John gets Sports Happy, and Damian has a Belgian Sour that will make you want to spread your wings. We will rock you with beer so good you'll want it all on this episode of Brew Happy!