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The Brew Happy Show

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Jul 3, 2017

This week Brew Happy fan Rob Litz (from Coalition Brewing) has some Transcendental Brews to share from his big GrowlerWerks dispenser. A delicious Basil Watermelon Blonde is just one of the many you can expect once he gets through some red tape with the OLCC. Also we have a long time fan and previous guest on the show to help co-host. Listen in to find out how long Casey Workman will be in town, and hear all about the craft beer culture in Peru where he tends bar at his Chelawasi Beer Company in Arequipa! Ryan has some important news about Vancouver Brewfest, John is back from 2 Queen concerts in a row, and Damian visits the homeland of his beloved Cavatica Stout. Trancendental and Peruvian brews on this episode of Brew Happy!