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The Brew Happy Show

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Jun 4, 2019

Portland Beer Week is upon us, and MadCow Brewing is ready. founder and event organizer Ezra Johnson-Greenough has had a busy time wrangling up some fantastic events for this year's lineup, and you get to cherry pick along with us. Plus East Portland/Gresham brewery is ready to roll out their new canning line, and owner/founder Jason Blair has brought us all a sneak peek for us to share with you. John is gone to find beer in Seattle, Bronwyn is off to Florida, Damian gets a sour cherry surprise from MadCow, Ryan gets hyped for the Brewer's Burger Brawl, and they both map out their best laid plans for Portland Beer Week. Food pairing, fantastic flights, and various styles from some of Portland's best brands for making event plans, on this episode of Brew Happy!