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The Brew Happy Show

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Jun 11, 2019

Cider Summit is upon us! Event wrangler, Chris Crabb joins us to talk about Cider Summit with Jeff Parrish from Portland Cider as we meet in NW Portland at New West Cider and Sasquatch Brewing's with Ryan Nicolai. Cider Summit has a phenolically phenomenal time in store for cider fans coming up this week for this year's dog friendly event. We are enlightened to discuss some of the technical processes, regulations, politics, and other elements of cider making, and later we reveal some of the dry and sweet treats that await consumers at this year's event, including a tasting for us to share with you. Damian throws in with some JDubs out of Florida, Ryan gets to nerd out, and John enjoys a delicious change of pace. Tropically terrific theories, Arnold Palmers, sweet reveals, and other fantastic flavors on this episode of Brew Happy!