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The Brew Happy Show

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Aug 27, 2019

One of our favorite bottle shops is turning 10! The Beer Mongers is throwing their annual anniversary party to celebrate a decade of dedication to hundreds of beer fans, near and far. Owner Sean, joins us to explain what he loves about his community and why he wants this year's party to even bigger than ever! With a week of fun filled taste buds, and something different each day of the week, we are each looking forward to piece of the action next week. John shares about the latest Hazy Fest he went to, Damian brings some aged beers for a bottleshare, Ryan can't wait for high stakes cribbage next Tuesday, and Bronwyn spies some of her favorite stouts in the cooler from Beachwood Brewing. Juicy aromatics, Spinal Tap, and cellared beers revealed on this episode of Brew Happy!