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The Brew Happy Show

You may meet your next favorite brew.  Listen to us wherever podcasts are found. 

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Jan 25, 2021

Check out these latest in homebrewing with returning guest Mark Gillette from the Portland Brewers Collective (PBC) and faithful employee of F.H. Steinbart Co., the oldest homebrew supply store in the U.S.  Hear about the grains, the hops, and the yeast that will make your latest quarantine concoction quenchable. ...

Jan 24, 2021

Another Warren Report to bring in a new season of beer releases, and innovations to the industry, with Warren Wills from Craft Beer Scribe.  John reviews another Peat Week selection, Ryan snorts with excitement over an ESB, Damian gets excited about new beer stops emerging.  Multiple Matryoshkas, Cheesecake...

Jan 13, 2021

Some new and interesting things are percolating in Portland.  Things are slowly waking up and we know where to go!  Ryan intersperses different things, Damian brings Ryan's potatoes from John, and John enlightens us on the world of Sherry (...and Ice Cream?).  Peat Week, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and Holiday Candy Cane...

Jan 5, 2021

A New Year means a new season and new segment called "Brew it Forward".  Our chain of gratitude begins with our very own Ben Edmunds from local sensation Breakside Brewery.  Ryan gets excited about his collection of calendar releases, John looks forward to dark seasonals and red ales, and Damian launches a new segment...