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The Brew Happy Show

You may meet your next favorite brew.  Listen to us wherever podcasts are found. 

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Apr 27, 2022

The crew reunites at Chill N Fill to trade stories and recent discoveries. The Reverend Damian is back from the East with a peek at the craft beer presence there. Ryan declares the anniversary of the the Rick Roll, Damian has worn off the jetlag, and John joins in with some sweet treats and Belmont Station tribute...

Apr 13, 2022

The long awaited return of the Oregon Beer Awards ceremony at Revolution Hall! Great turnout and personally covered by Damian, we discuss some of the winners and beers that make them famous. Ryan regulates the latest happenings, and John classes it up with Johnny Walker Green Label, and Pipe Dreams, the latest from the...

Apr 6, 2022

Getting their fill at Chill n Fill is easy but not while livestreaming apparently. Learn how to win a Playstation 5 with Tropic Chronic, and don't forget to to party with Pono Brewing party at The Golden Cat Lounge while you wait for the Oregon Beers Awards. Level Beer's patio goes green, Damian gets an Xbox, and Ryan...