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The Brew Happy Show

You may meet your next favorite brew.  Listen to us wherever podcasts are found. 

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Aug 24, 2023

Upon news that Culmination Brewing may be on the rebound, we speak with Steven Shomler, to find out about his plan. We recount fond memories and meet a new friend from afar Takash from Adashi, one of the brewpub's international fans. Ryan recalls his first Phaedrus, Damian remains optimistic, and John enjoys fresh...

Aug 17, 2023

The hottest new spot to stay cool is Crux Fermentation Project's new SE Portland location. We are joined by Drayson Anderson and returning guest Cam O'Connor to tell us about open fermentation, other brews they make, and how Crux got it's name. Damian enjoys a Bochi Bochi, John misses Vegas, Bronwyn gets excited about...

Aug 13, 2023

With a change in plans we meet up at Level Beer's level 1 location, for some fun with our favorite bartender and some of our favorite beers. Ryan relates about cleansing and cookies, Bronwyn reports on the beer scene in Fort Meyers, Damian hears from field reporter Bacon Dan, and John has advice about the heat....

Aug 3, 2023

We change things up at The Beer Mongers with owner Sean Campbell, here to tell us all about the cool events and games at one of the best brew stops in town. We get some insight on beer selection and their upcoming 13th anniversary in September. Ryan relays the Brew News, Damian pulls from the Mail Pail, and a John takes...