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The Brew Happy Show

You may meet your next favorite brew.  Listen to us wherever podcasts are found. 

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Mar 27, 2018

We finally get back to Rogue East (Green Dragon) to talk home brew with Mark Gillette from Portland Brewers Collective (PBC). Also joining us our usual bartender Max takes the night off to spend some time with us as we find out all the haps on the hops, here in the Pac NW. Mark drops some knowledge about a hoppy yeast...

Mar 19, 2018

After a week off (due to illness) we reconvene at Proper Pint Taproom with Lucas Banks from Running Man Distribution. Lucas gives us his top 5, and what's hot on the distribution docket. We relax in hand made custom furnishings, pizza pairings with beer, and more Brew News. John and Ryan compete for which Juicy IPA is...

Mar 6, 2018

This week McMenamins Monday this month kicks off as the Edgfield's sprawling location invites the crew to hang with talented brewers Will Gather, Matt Bergfield, Dave Kosanke, and Shane Kono in the brewery, and discuss the some barrel aged beers for next year, us other goodies. Matt and the boys enlighten us on the...